In his project „ESCAPING DEATH: SYRIAN REFUGEES“ german photographer Felix Kleymann documented the current refugee crisis, but instead of being in the outside, he joined the refugees on their travels. His journey started in Iraq where he documented the lives of refugees in the camps that are mainly waiting to return to Syria one day. From there he went tot he refugee camps in Turkey. This is where many people start their journey to Europe in hopes of survival and a better life. Felix Kleymann took the following route with a group of refugees: Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria – final destination Germany
Brasilien, Rio de Janeiro, Pavão-Pavãzinho,2012. Lokale Musiker treten auf ‚Baile Funk‘ Partys auf.engl.: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Pavão-Pavãozinho. local rapper perform on baile funk party